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A word From The Executive Director:
I am truly blessed to be part of this wonderful organization that does so much good for the community! I am even more blessed to work with other organizations that are trying to improve the lives of the citizens of Winchester.
CCAP has many supporters in this very generous community that we live in. These include our supporting congregations, individuals, and local companies and foundations
Thank You Virginia Housing for awarding a Grant to CCAP!

Without the support and the collaboration CCAP would not be as successful so a big thank you to all!

The Home depot

United Way

The Waymire Team

Blue Ridge Bicycles


Winchester Rescue Mission

Sinclair Health clinic

Subaru of Winchester

Adams-Nelson& Associates

Solenberger's true value hardware

oakcrest realty-ericka esazagra

Our Health


Café del sol

Bank of Clarke

Expresso Bar

Highland food pantry

Richard's fruit market

Rotary club of Winchester/Fredick

The red wagon ministry

pool and spa of northern virginia

Farrell's comfort services

Animal medical center of Frederick county

First Bank


Element Sports


American Woodwark

Emmert oil/ Bo's express

Shenandoah University

Winchester Wheelman

Blue Ridge area food bank

Valley Assistance network

Frederick block and stone

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